No Voting Needed

No voting this year 2024 But don’t miss the AGM

As our four nominees are on the Board by Acclimation.
Barb Ferren, Dianne Myslik, Adriaan Pieters and Barry VanBiesbrouck.
They will stand for 3years.

Members Meal 6pm

AGM Meeting 7pm
Join us after the Members Meal for our
General Membership Meeting

Voting in June!

 Voting Information 2024  Advance Polls Thurs June 13 9-1 Wed June 26 10-4 Fri June 28 12-4    Final Voting June 29   5:00pm to 6:00pm   List of Nominees will be posted as soon as all nominees have been contacted. Nominees will be asked for a Short Bio &    A Picture for posting June 3rd…

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Board Nominations

Board Nominations

Open May 6 &Close May 24th at 4pm

List of Nominees will be posted as soon as all nominees have been contacted. Nominees will be asked for a Short Bio &    A Picture for posting June 3rd